All children should have the chance to be mobile and active in their communities. Variety makes that dream a reality by providing specialized mobility equipment and traditional bikes to children in need. 

Specialized Mobility Equipment

Variety helps children living with special needs gain mobility, confidence, and freedom by providing personalized mobility equipment. Variety gives children the chance to join in the life of their community by providing funding for adaptive bicycles, gait trainers, mobile standers, specialized strollers, and more to families in need. 

In addition to seeing the smiles on children’s faces, these mobility pieces offer both physical and therapeutic benefits. Unfortunately, these items are cost prohibitive to some families and are rarely covered by insurance. That’s why we work with physical therapists throughout the state to identify children who would greatly benefit from a specialized bike or other piece of mobility equipment.

“This bicycle will enable Lucas to build motor skills, muscle strength and stability, in addition to keeping him healthy and active. Once again, thank you all so much for choosing Lucas to receive this bike!! It’s given him a major boost with confidence in his ability to be on the move with a bike!”

Sheree, Danny, and Lucas

If you are interested in receiving a piece of mobility equipment or know of a child in need, please find the application below.

Mobility Application (PDF)

Please send completed mobility applications to:

Traditional Bikes

Do you remember receiving your first bike? Bikes go hand in hand with being a kid, but for many children in our community, the prospect of having their own bike is only a dream. Variety helps make that dream a reality by providing bikes, helmets, and locks to children throughout Iowa.

Variety bikes help children and families think about exercise and good health, and they provide an opportunity to teach the importance of safety and responsibility. These are skills that will last a lifetime!

“We wanted to express our heartfelt appreciation and gratitude to you for providing such beautiful bicycles for our two oldest children. Words cannot express how much of a blessing this is to our family. In a day where the attention of our finances is demanded in almost every direction, the kids now have bikes that they can enjoy where they simply would not have had otherwise.”

Thanks to the generous support of our donors, Variety awards hundreds of bikes a year.