Adelaide receives bike from Variety

Do you remember receiving your first bike? Bikes go hand in hand with being a kid, but for many children in our community, the prospect of having their own bike is only a dream. Variety helps make that dream a reality by providing bikes, helmets, and locks to children throughout Iowa. This past fall, 200 students at McKinley Elementary received a brand new bike, lock, and helmet from Variety.

Excitement and anticipation were at an all-time high with Adelaide and her friends as they counted down the days until their new bikes would roll in at McKinley Elementary School. When the day arrived, Adelaide could hardly hold in her anticipation as she skipped into school that morning! 

As a parent of a McKinley student, I felt blessed knowing that Adelaide and so many of her friends would be receiving such wonderful gifts from Variety.

Adelaide’s dad, Bryan
Adelaide on her bike

Over the next several weeks, Adelaide gained courage and overcame many fears of falling. While she might not be ready just yet to race around the neighborhood on her own, she has learned the basics of riding her new bike and the importance of wearing a helmet.


Not only have I enjoyed watching Adelaide learn new things, but it has also been exciting to see so many McKinley students roll up to school on these wonderfully gifted bikes each morning. The bike rack has practically run out of parking spots! McKinley Elementary School is truly an incredible school, and the students deserve such a supportive community

Variety's traditional bike program helps children and families think about exercise and good health, and they provide an opportunity to teach the importance of safety and responsibility. These are skills that will last a lifetime!