Hy-Vee is partnering with Variety - the Children’s Charity to once again conduct a round up at the register campaign to raise funds to help children who are at-risk, underprivileged, critically ill, or living with special needs.
Customers will have the opportunity to round up to the next dollar now through Feb. 29 to help fund Variety’s mission. Dollars raised through the Round Up will provide mobility equipment to children living with special needs, as well as fund and deliver effective programs and grants to care for children who are underprivileged, at-risk, critically ill, or living with special needs.
Variety works with physical therapists to identify children who would greatly benefit from a specialized bicycle or other piece of adaptive mobility equipment, such as gait trainers, mobile standers and more. Additionally, the funds raised through the Hy-Vee Round Up will help Variety provide grants to nonprofit organizations serving children, as well as vans to help transport children to programming activities.
“Since 1983, Hy-Vee has raised more than $20 million for Variety to improve the lives of children across the Midwest. At Hy-Vee, we believe in leading the effort to give back to our local communities by helping children and families in need. Our partnership has extended more than 40 years, and we take comfort knowing that every dollar raised for Variety helps create brighter futures for so many kids.” – Ryan Roberts, Executive Vice President, Hy-Vee; Board of Directors, Variety – the Children’s Charity of Iowa
“We are so appreciative of Hy-Vee’s support through their Round Up campaign. Hy-Vee continually goes above and beyond to help the community, and this campaign is a great example of their commitment to helping children in need. The Hy-Vee Round Up will help generate dollars that will allow Variety to make a tremendous impact with children who are underprivileged, at-risk, critically ill, or living with special needs.” - Sheri McMichael, Executive Director of Variety – the Children’s Charity of Iowa.