Principal Charity Classic's Impact on Iowa's Children

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Monday, May 15, 2023

Variety is proud to be a Tournament Charity Partner of the Principal Charity Classic! PCC has helped Variety provide more than 160 specialized pieces of mobility equipment to children living with special needs, and continues to be an outstanding partner in improving the lives of Iowa’s children. These pieces of specailized equipment help each child gain strength, while still having fun.


Damien received his new specialized bike at the 2022 Principal Charity Classic, which was sponsored and presented by the 2021 tournament winner, Stephen Ames. “When Damien first received his bike, he needed assistance and encouragement to go more than 1 block. Now, he is able to bike to the mall and back with minimal assistance (which is over a half mile). Damien’s legs have continued to get stronger the more he rides his bike and is able to do so somewhat independently. Our family is able to go on walks together with Damien biking and his younger brother riding in a wagon.” – Damien’s mom, Suzanne. Wach Damien's progress here. 


Parker received his gait trainer mobility piece last year during the Principal Charity Classic, which was presented by PGA Tour Champion Willie Wood (pictured in the pink polo), and was sponsored by Atlantic Coca-Cola Bottling Company. Prior to receiving this piece of specialized mobility equipment, Parker was unable to roll, sit, or stand without support. Now, a year later, Parker’s mom Emily says, “Parker has gained strength in his legs and his hip dysplasia has remained stable since getting his gait trainer. Every time I bring in the gait trainer, Parker has a HUGE smile on his face. He loves standing to watch his favorite shows and going on walks.” Support from the Principal Charity Classic and Variety’s many donors and supporters helps make smiles like Parker’s happen!




About Variety’s Mobility Program: Variety helps children with special needs gain mobility, confidence, freedom, independence, and the chance to join in the life of their community by providing funding for specialized bicycles, gait trainers, standers, mobile standers, specialized strollers, specialized car seats, and more to families in need. What started as a program offering specialized bikes has expanded to fit the growing needs of children in our communities. In addition to seeing the smiles on children’s faces, these mobility pieces offer both physical and therapeutic benefits. Unfortunately, these items are cost prohibitive to some families and are rarely covered by insurance. That’s why we work with physical therapists throughout the state to identify children who would greatly benefit from a specialized bike or other piece of mobility equipment.

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