Young Women’s Resource Center receives Variety funding for After School Empowerment Groups

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Tuesday, April 18, 2023


Variety granted the Young Women’s Resource Center (YWRC) funding for their After School Empowerment Groups. YWRC programs and services are trauma-informed, culturally responsive, voluntary, and confidential. Every effort is made to reduce barriers to participation, including the provision of transportation to and from programs, and meals or snacks during each program. All services are offered to participants free of charge.


Because of this funding, Natalee, a sixth-grade after school participant, enjoys engaging activities, guest speakers, and fieldtrips throughout the year. The activities are designed to empower girls and young women to increase resilience while developing healthy relationships with peers and a consistent, trusted adult each week.


Since starting after school group in the fall of 2022, Natalee’s facilitator says, “Natalee is demonstrating confidence in her self-esteem. We have witnessed her confidence in accepting her body and appearance. Her body language is more assertive and empowered.”


The YWRC relies on funds from Variety - the Children’s Charity to provide a large portion of their Empowerment program supplies. In order to make a group fun, engaging, and successful, they need to have the tools to do so. Thanks to Variety, it’s possible for to engage participants in unique ways to encourage their sense of belonging and self-esteem.



The Young Women’s Resource Center is a nonprofit organization that works to support, educate, and advocate for girls and young women* ages 10 – 24 in the Greater Des Moines area. Through small group programs, individual support, and mental health counseling, the YWRC provides services for all young women, no matter what they may be going through. The YWRC empowers participants to be strong, self-confident, and resilient.



* YWRC serves individuals ages 10 – 24 who have been socialized and/or identify as female. This includes cisgender girls, cisgender women, transgender persons and non-binary individuals.


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